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Multiple Choice Questions - SQL Server Files & Filegroups

Multiple Choice Questions - SQL Server Files and Filegroups

1. While using filegroups in a database, it is said that creating file groups on as many disks and RAID arrays as possible will provide the excellent performance.

A) True
B) False

2. You can move a table from one filegroup to another, provided the table has a . . . . . . index on it.

A) Nonclustered
B) Clustered
C) Columnstore
D) None of above

3. Every database has . . . . . primary data file(s). The recommended file name extension for primary data files is . . . . . .

A) two, .ndf
B) many, .ldf
C) three, .mdf
D) one, .mdf

4. When objects are created (in the database) without specifying the filegroup that they belong to, they are assigned to the . . . . . . . filegroup. At any time, exactly . . . . . filegroup(s) is designated as the . . . . . . filegroup.

A) default , one, default
B) secondary, two, primary
C) primary , one, secondary
D) default , one, secondary

5. You can assign . . . . . . file(s) to a database, log, or both. When you create a database, the system automatically creates the first two files, one for data and another for logs.

A) only one
B) less than three
C) more than one
D) none of above

6. The recommended file name extension for secondary data files is . . . . . . .

A) .ldf
B) .ndf
C) .mdf
D) .hdf

7. A database may or may not have a primary filegroup.

A) True
B) False

8. Log files are not part of a filegroup and are managed separately from the data space.

A) True
B) False

9. Filegroup or files in the filegroups . . . . . . be backed up independently.

A) cannot
B) can
C) must not
D) none of above

10. SQL Server works with files by assigning them to a Filegroup. If you have only one file in the database, it may or may not live in a Filegroup.

A) True
B) False
