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Multiple Choice Questions - Join Hints

Multiple Choice Questions - Join Hints

1. You can instruct SQL Server to use a specific JOIN type by using the . . . . .

A) Query hints
B) Join hints
C) Table hints
D) All of above

2. For Joint type "nested loop" Join hint is . . . . . .

A) Remote join
B) Hash Join
C) Loop Join
D) Merge Join

3. The . . . . . hint dictates that the join operation is performed on the server hosting the right table.

A) Remote join
B) Hash Join
C) Loop Join
D) Merge Join

4. For simple queries affecting a small result set, the loop join generally provides better performance than a hash or merge join.

A) True
B) False

5. You cannot specify join hints when you use the ANSI-style join syntax - that is, when you actually use the keyword JOIN in the query.

A) True
B) False

6. It is possible to specify more than one join type in the query hint and allow SQL Server to choose the least-expensive one.

A) True
B) False

7. A . . . . hint takes precedence over a . . . . hint if both are specified.

A) query, join
B) join, query

8. The Remote join, that is used when dealing with data from a remote server has serious affects on execution plans.

A) True
B) False

9. Use a REMOTE join hint only when the . . . . table has fewer rows than the . . . . table.

A) left, right
B) right, left

10. . . . . . specifies that the join order indicated by the query syntax is preserved during query optimization.

